Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Have I mentioned that the world is currently melting? Or at least it was until last night when it started to snow AGAIN. So now we have a layer of snow on top of a layer of frozen slush...But at least it's not as slick...I guess that's the positive!

So on to news...there was a plane crash last night between here and Kolignek. No one was fatally injured but the pilot is a bit bruised up. He was the only one on the plane. It's the first one by our villages in a very long time!

And on to more important news...we're in the middle of state testing and it sucks! It's ridiculously hard for our kids but they're pushing through it and I can honestly say I'm proud of them for working as hard as they are!

Plus we're on the countdown until we leave for Anchorage for Pentathlon! We have a busy week planned so I'll try to update daily! We leave after lunch on the 11th! Ok so now it's back to testing!!

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