Sunday, April 27, 2008


What can I say this week has been crazy busy! Friday was definitely weird because it's the weekend of Russian Orthodox Easter so we only had like 20 kids in grades K-12 because the rest were in church in the morning. I'm not even sure we're going to have any on Monday but we'll see. (Last night they started church at 11 pm and go until like 6 am so the village is pretty quiet right now!)

And have I mentioned that it's light until almost 11:30 pm?? Talk about crazy! So I'm trying to get some good sleep because of having my schedule off but due to the light you forget to look at the time and then you're like crap it can't be that late! But such is life in Alaska! (Plus sunrise is like 6 am which is just as crazy!) Oh well...gotta luv spring!

Speaking of Spring we had a couple of beautiful days last week where it was mid to high 40s and then just when you think it's going to really start to melt and thaw snowed again! But not like it did in Anchorage! It's been crazy weather around there! Oh well, life goes on...ya gotta luv that it's been interesting!

I think that's about it for the last week. I keep saying I'm going to start packing but I was waiting for an address to send it all too...well I have that now we'll work on the whole packing thing. It shouldn't take long as I don't have NEARLY as much as I did last year!

As for the pictures I'm adding...the one is me eating King Crab last week when we were in Anchorage...such good stuff!! I loved it!! It was fabulous!! Have I mentioned how much I love Seafood??? Like to the point I may go home and take some salmon out of the freezer and have that for dinner later....hmmmm..that's an idea...oh well we'll see. The others are just pictures of Anchorage on one of the days we were there! It was beautiful and a great time!

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