Saturday, May 3, 2014

The jacket fits!

Ok I'll be honest - I'm in the 2nd round of 21 Day Fix and I haven't been 100% on when it comes to eating with the plan.  I"m making adjustments daily but some days are easier than others.  Case in point - we went to brunch for a birthday yesterday although I did my morning workout (go Cardio Fix) I was not at all faithful to the plan during brunch which put me off the rest of the day.  But...I put on my orange running jacket this morning to run to the store and it FITS!  I mean it's always fit but it's been snug...and when I say snug I mean it showed every roll I had.  But now...I mean I'm amazed at the difference!
Ok not the greatest picture but you get the point.  Before I wasn't even able to wear this without rolls coming from every possible spot and now I can.  And honestly I needed this little pick me up - every day is hard but every day gets better and seeing results is the key to all of it!

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