Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day Yoga

Ok I'll admit it - I'm a HUGE Bad Yogi Fan ( ).  I love her yoga routines and yes I helped on Kickstarter to support MyYogaPro - what can I say I'm a big believer in having the ability to do yoga at my fingertips!  For Mother's Day Erin Motz sent out an e-mail with a special Mother's Day Yoga Class.  I will say I feel better after completing it!  But I always feel better after yoga - it's just one of those things ;-)

Today marks Week 3 Round 2 of the 21 Day Fix and I'll say I am trying to complete double workouts every day - either with running, yoga or one of the Team BeachBody DVDs that I have.  This may be extremely difficult but if one doesn't have goals in life what does one have, right?  The key is sticking to the food on the fix - it's how I lost 5 pounds the first week - but I'm not so good at that so I'm working on the ability to snack on vegetables instead of crackers, chips or any of the stuff I'm used to.  IN fact I have even had salads for dinner the last 2 nights - some may think this isn't a big deal but I'm VERY much a carb based eater and this whole challenge has helped me to look at food differently.  I'm hoping to one day see food as fuel instead of therapy.

Part of the key to this is to continually look at my daughter and see the example I'm setting for her.  At first she was against the "real food" but she is slowly starting to enjoy the variety of food and want to see what else she "likes".  She's tried snap peas, snow peas and asks for cauliflower ;-)  All things that makes this Mom happy.  We're not perfect but life is a journey and our journey is still going strong!

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