Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The waiting continues....

I am ever so grateful for this website: https://www.facebook.com/kplayak they have every day of the week put out on Monday so you can help celebrate!  Yesterday my daughter and I made play dough in honor of play dough day!  It's been fun to keep track of and help keep our minds off the waiting!

The waiting goes on...and on...I originally had my face to face interview in New York City on July 17th from there I waited for the offer letter which arrived on August 18th and currently I'm waiting on the visa and tickets which will take my daughter and I on to our new "Great Big Adventure".  The waiting is hard, the funds are getting low and my daughter just wants friends to play with and I'm just ready to begin working (weird I never thought I'd say that!)  Yesterday she made a birthday cake with play dough and her wish was to get on an airplane...I think the waiting has gotten to her as well.  But what is a Mom to do?  There are times like this that I wish I could fast forward to a different month and things would be done and ready to go but it is what it is.

Life has not been without joy though!  This past weekend I enjoyed time at the Neon Vibe 5k with some great friends!  It was worth the drive and better yet it kept my mind on other things - wondering if I'll be in town this weekend to do the Detroit Women's Half Marathon but that's not in my hands...

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