Monday, January 2, 2017

New Year - New Ideas - Old Foundation

I love the beginning of the year, just like I love the beginning of the week.  You're given an opportunity to start again in each of these.  Each week, you get a chance to live a better week than the week before.  You get a chance to have new choices which can change how you live.  The New Year isn't any different.

Every year people make resolutions to do things from being healthier aka lose weight to becoming more financially fit.  Each year people make goals that change who they are.  Very few people look at the foundation they have and move from there.  Very few people look back on what they've learned and adjust from who they are to who they want to be.

So who you do want to be?  When you look in the mirror, who do you want to see?  On January 2nd, 2018 I want to see someone who is out of debt, 1-year sugar-free, 800 running miles completed and happy.

Those may sound like small goals but I know I will struggle with them each and every day. And I'm ok with that.  I want the struggle, I know I have the foundation to be who I want to be.  Now I need to build on that, not ignore who I am but become who I want to be.  Each day, I get an opportunity to have the day I choose.  And now, I'm taking full advantage of that.  I will be able to take each day as a new opportunity to build upon myself.  In building myself up, I build my daughter up.  I show her what it's like to love yourself and have the life you want to live.  And no matter what, I will be amazing.

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