Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year! Welcoming in 2016....

The new year is a time for resolutions and re-inventing one's self.  People around the world are deciding if they want to make this the year of getting fitter, eat cleaner, start a business, etc.  Each year we start he year by having a desire to reinvent one self but we really never get to that point.  If we start by thinking we need to start from scratch then we get stuck.  On the other hand if we take what we already know about ourselves and say "Yes" we may have a different outcome.  
Shonda Rhimes wrote a book "Year of Yes".  
This book describes the changes that are made by just saying yes.  Yes to all parts of life that are good for you.  Say yes to things that scare you, say yes to things that make you better.  Stop telling yourself no.  The more we deny ourselves the more we find we crave all that we wanted.  So say yes.
I think @melcharbonneau said it best "Remember, it's a new year, not a new you.  You were already awesome...this year your'e just going to be more awesome."  This is all about saying yes and being awesome!  Instead of focusing on the negatives of yourself and who you are, look at the positives and go for it!  For example, I make people feel good about themselves, I listen well.  But what else can I say about myself?  I can list all the negatives - too much grey hair, too many muffin tops, arms are flabby...yes I can keep going but that's not the point.  So this year is my year of yes.  I've already started...I'm writing my blog and am hoping to make it more consistent.  I started the year by running 2 miles, part of the Run the Year 2016 challenge.  I have a race scheduled for next Friday - ok that totally came up due to a bride's wish to run before her champagne brunch but a race is a race.  I am choosing to look at portions and trying to figure out how to balance what I like to eat and what I should be eating.  But I'm saying yes to being healthy and helping my daughter be healthy.  Now to say yes to being ok with my ups and downs....

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