Sunday, January 17, 2016

Dreams do come true!

The best part of single parenthood is that your world revolves around your child.  The worst part of single parenthood is that your world revolves around your child.  Although I've found there are time that this a very good thing and the other day was most definitely one of them!

I had bought B a new bike for Christmas in the hopes that she would want to join me in my runs.  She had told me last year "Mom, running is your thing.  It's not my thing and that's ok I have my own thing.  Maybe when I'm an adult it'll be my thing."  Ya know I was ok with that. She's pretty honest about her thoughts and I could totally get behind that thought process.  But she likes to ride a bike and this bike is big enough that we can do some mileage and we both benefit!

So on Friday morning I took her and her bike to the park and gave her the option of playing in the park or riding next to me while I ran (says the woman who likes to wear earbuds and listen to podcasts as she runs).  So we started on our way...about a quarter of a mile in, she pulled up next to me and talked to me while I ran.  Oh how I love this child!  She just talked the entire time and seemed to enjoy the ride.  She even plans on joining me next week!

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