Friday, October 4, 2013

The first week of work...

This week has been about work and trying to figure out the balance between food and hotel life!  We've moved through the orientation parts of work and are now waiting on assignments.  I will say that the orientations we have sat through have been to the point.  No one is reading things to us nor is anyone belittling our intelligence.  This is definitely a plus in the world!

Throughout the week we've done medical checks, gotten our applications in for the UAE ID Cards (WORST picture EVER!) and even been able to get some shopping in!  I did get a chance to purchase my first Abaya yesterday at the Gold Souk (think mall with multiple buildings - each building holds a different set of shops such as fabric stores, clothing or gold - hence the gold souk!)

B has done an AMAZING job entertaining people along the way - from talking to telling those of us trying on Abayas that we are cute, beautiful and just being a wonderful kid!  I am the luckiest mom in the world as she has taken all of this in stride and it hasn't phased her as much as I thought it might.  Instead she has found the ability to enjoy the pool, shopping, food and getting to know as many people as she can!  Of course she still wants to go to school but hopefully we'll be able to take care of that soon!

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