Thursday, January 21, 2010


Ok so I'm FULLY aware that I have NO room to complain as Brennan is 2 months (9 weeks) old and is sleeping EXTREMELY well but the last two nights she's gone to bed EXTREMELY early. Tuesday she was asleep by 5, she kind of woke up so I gave her a bath at like 8 and she was back in bed for the night...I had tried to feed her and she refused but slept great. She even took a 3 hour nap Wednesday morning. And since she's so young I thought I'd let her figure it out last night. After her 3 hour nap she napped two short 30 minutes in the afternoon and fell asleep at 4 when I got home from work. She proceeded to sleep until 7, woke up, I gave her a bath...which she screamed after, fell back asleep by 7:45 and slept until midnight. Then she got up, ate, went back to sleep a bit after 1, woke up at 4:30 ate, back asleep by 5:15 and is currently still asleep. I know, I am the luckiest mother alive right now! So tonight's goal is to get her to stay up until at least 5, do her bath then and see if she sleeps completely through the night. We'll see...I've decided to experiment since she's doing most of this on her own with no help anyway!

As for life in Alaska...Juls is adjusting and seems to love it! She's even thinking of staying in Barrow for the summer! It's made a huge difference in going back to work knowing that Juls is here every day with Brennan and that's also what has helped put Brennan on a schedule. She's always watching a 14 month old and I'm ALWAYS highly entertained when I come the kids are up, ALWAYS clean, the house is clean and she makes it look like the easiest thing in the world! I have no idea how it happens but it does!

In the process of all the craziness Brennan has seemed to master tummy time...she can get up on her on arm and is thinking about rolling over...I'm soooo NOT ready for that! It seems like she's growing so fast and I'm going to miss something! Plus she has mastered Airplane on her tummy...not on command yet but she was mastered it! I'm thoroughly amazed with her every day! She also is developing quite the personality...obviously with the sleep stuff we're dealing with she's a bit stubborn (NO idea where she gets that from LOL)! But she also knows what she wants and when she wants it. She's starting to become more vocal about her diaper and what she'll tolerate in it...and for how long!

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