Thursday, May 8, 2008


So these are totally pictures of my niece playing softball! She actually hit this one out of the park which is AWESOME!!! And have no fear you'll be seeing a TON of pics of here this summer as she's traveling with me! Wild, aye?!

On to bigger and better is clean up day in the village! The snow is gone so there is trash everywhere! After lunch the kids will be going out and picking up! It should be a great community effort and I'm excited to see it...but we'll see if I actually help as I'm not held responsible for a classroom. But who knows! I love taking pictures of the kids so I just might go out and check it out! We'll have to find out!

Well so...that seems to be it! The year is winding down, we have graduation tomorrow and then next week is full of assemblies and so forth and then we're done! I'm still trying to double check my summer plans but we'll figure it out when I get there!

Enjoy the pics!

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