Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Spring Break

So it's the week before Spring Break. Most kids are extremely excited but a lot of our students have never had a Spring Break before....so they really aren't acting all that different! I'm excited as I'm headed to Alyeska Ski Resort for the week (www.alyeskaresort.com). And yes I know I'm not allowed to ski but it'll still be fun nontheless!

And the weekend was fabulous! It was the first weekend in weeks that we haven't had basketball games or anything else going on...so as silly as this may sound I stayed home, watched DVDs, made jam and even worked some more on a blanket I'm making! And then it snowed....again!

The weather has been funny lately we'll have a few days where it's over freezing and then the next day the temperature drops and we'll have snow. It makes it slippery and not a whole lot of fun to be out in! But oh well...have I mentioned we're going on Spring Break next week?

And as for the latest pictures, I've not been doing a lot so I haven't taken pictures but we'll see. So...yeah I think that's it for the day! Wish us all luck for getting through the week! It's going to be tough!!

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