Saturday, October 17, 2015

Huh - maybe I am doing something right....

Surprise surprise this was a crazy busy long weekend.  Although we didn't find out about it until Sunday (my workweek in the UAE is Sunday through Thursday) we made plans for the extra day.  Thursday we headed to the beach.  She was bummed that she didn't have any of her friends going but her Aunty joined us and that always makes her happy.  Plus she ended up finding a friend!

As the weekend progressed she didn't get to hang out with any of her friends but she did get to do a special date with her Aunty (they go to Starbucks and Mom goes for a run) and with me.  I would say I am not only pretty happy to hang out with her but she's a pretty good kid.  We spent the weekend running around Abu Dhabi and then Dubai trying to get things done and do the shopping we don't usually do.

And ya know what?  My kid has gotten cool.

Serious!  She'll be 6 next month but wants to just window shop.  She's just as content about playing in the store as she is at home.  We can wonder around a mall for a few hours and she's happy.  She asks questions like an adult and contemplates the answers.  She thinks before she asks the next question.  She is just cool to hang out with.  And better yet she shows gratitude on the things that are done for her.  I no longer have to remind her to say thank you.  She does it!  She says please when talking to someone.  She will ask the questions to the clerk (as long as I'm close by).  Overall my kid is cool.

I found out this weekend that when I'm over the shopping and running around it's not because of her.  It's because I'm tired and cranky and sick of running around.  If she's telling me she's hot - guess what it's because it's hot outside!  If she's tripping over her shoes - she's tired.  And she's learning how to tell me that!  She actually thanked me for the weekend and for running her around all weekend.  She didn't even complain she didn't get to see any friends!  We had these crazy conversations that made me realize she pays attention to EVERYTHING!

The problem is that this means she's growing up and if she's growing up there are some things we lose.  We lose the extra snuggle time.  We lose the holding hands in the stores and the mall and when we're just walking.  We lose the carrying her around.  But I'm finding I'm gaining this person who makes other people's worlds good again.  I'm gaining the ability to have a conversation with her and see the world from her eyes.  And that's ok.  I'm actually totally ok with it.

I think maybe I'm doing something right after all....

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