Monday, October 5, 2015

Family - How to make it through the holiday transition with gratitude.

Kids, kids, kids...they run our lives without us even knowing it.  Yet we wouldn't trade it for the world.  I know I love my daughter through and through but she has a habit of taking over my life and not quite understanding boundaries, I love her with all my heart.  Now that doesn't mean I don't get upset with her or let her know that there are some things mommy needs to do with her.  There are lots of things we do together and one of those things is getting ready for the holidays.

We are now in the swing of things for the school year so the next step is the holiday season.  Add in a birthday and this becomes a high money time for me and a super exciting time for her.  The problem with her is that with this excitement her ability to be gracious and sweet and the child that is thankful for everything is difficult to find.  So what to do?

The first thing we do is stop doing the extras - we stop seeing friends for at least one day, we stop decorating, we just stop.  And this usually doesn't take long to help sink in but sometimes it takes longer.  So we work on reading stories and finding information on people who need help and find ways to help them.  My daughter will go through her toys and shoes at this time of year and donate them.  This does help and that's a good start.

My goal for my daughter is to help her be a good person.  Thankfully I don't have to worry about grades or her happiness level but I do have to worry about her being continually thankful for the world around her.  This and the ability to build relationships are the most important parts of family to me.

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