Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Taking on food, finances and work all at the same time ;-)

There are some weeks that are better than others...for the first week back to work after the summer holidays.  So far this week I've started work, began buying more organic produce, made meals that were more than pizza and macaroni and cheese and starting going through Dave Ramsey's Total Money MakeOver.  Overall a successful week I would say!

B has become more and more independent and interested in asking questions that are not only thought provoking but scary.  Tonight's questions began with "what is a question" to "what is information".  She has begun to question all aspects of life but sadly enough still worries consistently about all types of issues.  Her biggest worry is death - how to work through that with a 4 year old?  So we have gotten to the point of just not bringing it up at this point.  I will always answer her questions but for being 4 she has questions that are well above her chronological age.

We finished going through the "I Quit Sugar" recipe book today so next week we will begin our process of quitting sugar.  I wish I could say it would be easy but we all know that's a lie ;-)  Yet she is super excited to be involved in the process.  And that's a huge goal this year - in order to help her make good food choices when I'm not around she needs to be involved!

When it comes to money she is not being paid on "commission" - a Dave Ramsey Financial Peace Junior concept.  Another project we did today was to go through and make a commission chart - things she can get paid to do around the house.  If she doesn't do the work she doesn't get paid.  We shall see how it goes!

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