Sunday, August 24, 2014

New Year - New Goals

Today was the first day of the academic year in the UAE.  Teachers reported and many walked into new buildings.  We arrived Wednesday evening and are still adjusting after a summer of fun in the USA.  As I start the new school year I have a variety of goals to reach and am hoping by working through this blog that I'll be able to keep my goals within reach as well as become the parent I wish to be.  So here I am listing my goals for the world to see and hoping someone helps keep me accountable for these ;-)

1.  Finances - I came to the UAE to help my finances and haven't done a great job as of yet.  This year I'll be working through Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University and B will be starting the Junior version in hopes she will do better with finances when she is older!

2.  Running - I like to run but my consistency hasn't been there over the last year. So I'm planning on running the Abu Dhabi Striders Half Marathon on November 14th but that means I need to get motivated and do the work.  So here's me saying that I need to do it and I will be finishing it feeling good.  Do the work and it should be able to be accomplished.

3.  Nutrition - This summer I was really struggling with keeping the positive nutrition habits we had started and that really got shot to heck this summer.  So we're starting over and this time we're going to carry it through to the best of our abilities.

I firmly believe that small changes are the best way to go.  So each time there is an error then we reset and keep going.  It's time to stop quitting and instead move towards the path that makes us better people overall.

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