Saturday, November 19, 2011

Cast Iron Skillets...they sooo help breakfast!

Well my child is an early riser so certain mornings a week I try to make something I haven't tried before...this morning it was homemade hashbrowns (or potato cakes as some may call them!).  So B and I shredded a potato, added some butter soy oil and let 'fry!  I will say for the first try they were ok....everyone enjoyed them plus we made eggs in a skillet that had cooked the sausage so overall it was a VERY successful morning!
I'm also happy to report that my child will now drink milk!  (This has been an ongoing issue for over a year!)  She is still stuck on water and ice tea (and who really thinks that's a bad thing??) But she needed some milk in her diet as long as Mommy makes her chocolate milk (sugar free chocolate syrup even!)  She will drink it!  Yeah!!

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