Saturday, August 23, 2008

Week 1

So the first week of school is done and I'm exhausted! Between still unpacking stuff (by the way my groceries came and I ROCK! Especially when I remembered a bunch of stuff that I can't believe I remembered!)
Anyway, the one thing that keeps making me laugh is that we are getting e-mails about the Polar Bears in the area and that we need to be careful! Ok the only reason I think it's funny is because it doesn't seem real! But it is, a jogger was attacked but was saved by someone driving by! It's actually a serious problem in the area but that's ok as long as we're careful it's all good!
I live in a building called the "12 plex" which is awesome. I'm really close to the store and the library so I'm thrilled!! I get to walk to work everyday and it's beautiful...I'm only getting confused sometimes when I wake up as it's only dark from like midnight until like 4 am right now...and that's a bit confusing! I do have a couple of pictures but hopefully I'll get more soon!
A couple of the pictures are from the football game last weekend (and yes we won, and the boys won last night...against the 2nd place team!) So right now we're 3-0 and it's awesome! There's a new book out about Barrow and Mark Voss (the head football coach) called "Thunder on the Tundra" it's supposed to be pretty good and they may be making a movie out of it!
Anyway, I have work to do so I'm going to run! But enjoy the couple of the pictures I've got and I'll get more soon!

Go Whalers!!

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