First trimester has been difficult to say the least. Between work which has included multiple co-teachers, inspections and figuring out new students it's been a bit crazy. Add in that I've begun writing blog posts for ESL101 (see my links at the bottom) and deciding what I want to do next it's been a bit crazy.
My poor daughter has born the brunt of all of this chaos and has taken it like a champ. As a parent we always complain about our kids but at the same time we love them unconditionally. She has stood by my side even through my crazy stress levels and a desire to try to work a bit more to do what I can. And she has been amazing throughout it all. My little girl is growing up and there is nothing I can do about it except love her the best way I can.
She is doing so many things that I can be proud of! She has gotten perfect scores on all of her Spelling Tests and her Math Tests. B has shown she loves to learn and my job is to love her and help her grow. So how can I help her grow?
My daughter is being homeschooled so that she can work at her own pace and do what she needs to do. This is a child who at age 6 (not even a month into it) she is able to read chapter books with ease. Teach herself math at her own pace and work well ahead of her age peers. So I let her go. I let her learn and become her own person.
Today she started writing a book. She got up this morning and began to write. I started to read it and was told "No, it's not finished. I'll show it to you later." My 6 year old is writing a book that is already multiple pages and paragraphs. I hope she continues to grow and stay a caring, kind person.
Now we are heading into the holidays. The time where greed comes into play. In our house we work on giving and spreading kindness. This year we have introduced Elfika our Elf on the Shelf. She is showing B that kindness is key as well as helping out around the house. It's a process but B LOVES every aspect of Eflika and looks forward to finding her everyday.
As we go into the holidays I do what every parent does and worry about money and time and making sure it all works out. My only goal is that the magic stays in the holiday season. Ideally we keep this magic of kindness and giving throughout the year.